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Home > Search > Results/Display > Matrix Data Exports: field names and field labels
Matrix Data Exports: field names and field labels
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The Matrix MLS system includes multiple ways to set up templates for exporting listing data from the system.  One way is through the use of Custom Displays, however there are limitations to this method that could cause issues in 3rd party software.


Within Matrix, all data fields have both "names" and "labels".  A field name is the standardized version of the name, and once a field is created this name will never change.  These will also not include any spaces.  Generally, field names will not appear anywhere within the MLS itself - these are primarily used by data feeds to other sites and services, and the standardized names ensure efficient and accurate data transmission.


Field labels are what appear in the MLS system - these are the common terms these fields go by.  Some examples are simple and clear - such as:


Field Name Field Label
ParkingFeatures Parking Features


Others may be less so:


Field Name Field Label
LivingArea Total HLA


Field labels may also be changed periodically, as Canopy MLS determines that one term is preferable to another.  A recent example of this is the change from the "Tax Location" label to "City Taxes Paid To", which helped to clarify what information this field was asking for.  


When exporting data from the MLS using the "Custom Display" option, the field labels will be included.  When exporting data into Microsoft Excel for analysis, or in cases where the titles of columns aren't important, this is a good option.  When exporting data with the purpose of importing the file into another service, it may be that the other service relies on specific field names in order to function correctly.  Changes to field labels in the MLS can then cause problems when trying to use MLS data in other systems.  In these situations, it is important to use Matrix's dedicated "Custom Exports" tool to create the export template.  The Custom Exports tool includes the option to always use a field "name" instead of a field "label" - and thus guarantees that future changes to the label will not break any functionality.


Build and Manage Custom Exports:

To create your own custom field exports in Matrix:

  1. Click "Hello {Your Name}" at the top right of Matrix, then click "Settings" option
  2. Click the "Custom Exports" button.
  3. Ensure that "Property" is selected in the drop down menu at the top of this page.
  4. Click the "Add Export" button.
  5. Type in a Export Name for your Custom Export.
  6. In the Available Fields box, select the fields you want to display. To select a field, click to highlight it, then click the "Add->" button to move it to the Export Fields box.
  7. The fields will display in your exported field in the order you have them in the Selected Column box. To change the order, click to highlight the field you want to move, then click the "Up" or "Down" button to move it.
  8. To remove a field from your list, click to highlight it and then click the "<-Remove" button.
  9. In the Include Column Names line, select "Name".
    • This step is critical to ensuring consistent column names in exports  
  10. When you are finished, click the "Save" button.


To use a custom export template - Run a listing search in Matrix, and view the Results list.  Select the listings to include in the file, then click the "Export" button in the Actions menu at the bottom of the page.  On the next screen, select the export format from the drop down menu, then click "Export".

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