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Contacts List
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The contact list has been redesigned for improved readability and accessibility.


Existing functionality remains unchanged - only repositioned as follows:

Modern UI

1. Import: click the arrow to upload a .csv file containing the contacts you would like to import into Matrix.

2. Add: click the, “Add” button to add a new contact.

3. Actions: click this option to perform any of the following actions on selected contact(s):

  • Export: download the selected contact(s) as a .csv file
  • Set Active: set the selected inactive contact(‘s) status to, “Active”
  • Set Inactive: set the selected active contact(‘s) status to, “Inactive”
  • Delete: permanently remove the selected contact(s) and all their associated data

4. Status: click the, “Status” dropdown list to only view contacts based on the selected status.

  • Active: view active contacts only
  • Inactive: view inactive contacts only
  • All: view all active and inactive contacts

5. Filter: click the, “Filter” dropdown list to only view contacts that fulfi ll any of the following criteria:


- with active auto emails - I haven’t worked with
- with inactive auto emails - who have saved searches
- with no auto emails - who have no saved searches
- who have visited OneHome - in this category: based on contacts you added to a specific group
- who have not visited OneHome


6. Text Filter: filter a specific contact by entering their full - or partial - name, email address or reference number (Ref#).

7. Results per page: update how many contacts display on each page.

8. Contact Name: click a contact’s name to view, or edit, information about that contact.

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