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Home > My Matrix > Emailing/Client Interaction > Resubscribing your own email address as an Agent
Resubscribing your own email address as an Agent
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If you suddenly stopped receiving copies of your Matrix emails, or noticed your auto-emails have been disabled, your email account may be treating these emails as "SPAM" and blocking them.  This could have occurred due to an action you took, such as clicking "Unsubscribe" at the bottom of an email update or clicking a "Mark as spam" option in your email account.  Or it may have been due to your email provider's SPAM filter doing this action automatically on your behalf.

Either way, follow the steps below to begin receiving your messages again:

First, send a blank email to from the email address you have on your profile in the MLS.

Do not fill in a subject line or type a message.  Leave the entire message blank

Within a few minutes, you should receive an email "receipt" from Matrix stating that your request has been received.  Once you have this, you should now be able to send messages from Matrix to yourself again. 

If your Auto-Emails have been disabled, you must go to My Matrix and choose "Auto Emails" to reactivate them.

Click on the name of the auto email (under Subject column) or the corresponding downward-pointing arrow to open the full options; then click "Settings".  On the Settings screen, under the "Settings" sub-header, click "Enabled", then click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.  Repeat this process for all needed Auto-Emails.


To prevent this from occurring again in the future, you may also want to add Matrix as a "safe sender" in your email account.  Click here for information about our email addresses and the steps to take in various common email services.

Canopy MLS Support strongly recommends that you do this.  However, each email service has a different process for doing this, so we can not always provide specific instructions.  Check the "Help" section of your email service, or contact the appropriate support department for help in this area.

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