With the announcement of the Zillow Group’s intent to acquire ShowingTime, we encourage our members to remain calm while we carefully review what this potential acquisition will mean for our showing service agreement with ShowingTime.
Both Zillow Group and ShowingTime state that ShowingTime will operate independently of Zillow Group (much like their acquisitions of dotloop, Bridge and Retsly) and will remain accountable to the data privacy and restrictions required in our existing agreement with ShowingTime.
Members and staff need to be mindful of their comments. Canopy Realtor® Association and Canopy MLS oppose any discussion that would violate or could even be perceived as violating anti-trust laws or our Realtor® Code of Ethics against a member firm. https://www.nar.realtor/about-nar/policies/mls-policy/handbook/antitrust-compliance
We ask that if you have a comment or request, please email [email protected], as our membership and support department staff are not in the position to comment on this situation. Thank you for your understanding.