Feb 07, 2023
Maintain/Update Listing
Editing a Listing
To edit your listing start from the Add/Edit tab, or My Matrix tab then click My Listings, or the home page My Listings widget. The Matrix system only allows you to edit one listing at a time. The following instructions uses the Add/Edit tab.
❶ From the Matrix navigation menu, click the “Add/Edit” tab
❷ To access your listing use one of the following methods; 1) use the Quick Modify section drop down to "Select a Listing or Agent", 2) type in the MLS# in the Quick Modify section and click Edit or 3) Choose "Edit Listing" option to search for your listing.
❸ The next page is the Modify Listing page, this page has the "Select Form" and "Other Options" sections. The following links are only available at certain times in the life cycle of a listing.
PropertyType Add/Edit (Ex: Single Family Add/Edit) - Update the bulk of your listing information under this link. If your listing is Incomplete update your listing to Active under this link. You can also update the list price, expiration dates (only future dates), beds, baths, remarks, virtual tour (under the Listing Agent and Listing Office tab), etc.
Change to/Modify Under Contract Show - Change your listing to UCS status. You will need the Under Contract Date, Selling Agent MLS ID, select Yes or No for the DDP - Due Diligence Period and enter the DDP End Date if DDP = Yes.
Change to/Modify Under Contract No Show - Change your listing to UCNS status. You will need the Under Contract Date, Selling Agent MLS ID, select Yes or No for the DDP - Due Diligence Period and enter the DDP End Date if DDP = Yes.
Change to/Modify Closed - Change your listing to CLOSED status. You will need the Closed Date, Closed Price, Seller Contributions, Sold Terms. You have access to update your listing 30 days from the closed date.
Change to Withdrawn - Only the Broker in Charge or Office Assistant will have access to change a listing to Withdrawn status. You will need the Withdrawn date.
Change to Active - When your listing is in the Expired status this option will be available. You will need to enter the new expiration date and click "Submit Listing." If your listing is not Expired you can use the Property Type Add/Edit link and go to the this to change the listing from Expired to Active and update the expiration date.
Open Houses - Add an open house to your listing.
Delete Incomplete Listing - This option will only appear when your listing is incomplete. Use this option to delete an unwanted incomplete listing.
Manage Photos - Add up to 48 listing photos with captions.
Manage Attachments - Add up to 10 MB of pdf, docx, etc. files as attachments.
Manage ShowingTime - Add your showing instructions into the ShowingTime system.
Listing Compliance Check - Review your listing for possible compliance violations once your listing is active in Matrix.