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Home > News & Alerts > 2019 News > 10/02/2019 - Help! I'm drowning in MLS news!
10/02/2019 - Help! I'm drowning in MLS news!
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We've had quite a lot to talk about recently - a new building, a new name, new services, new tools - the list goes on. And we get it, this can get pretty daunting to keep up with, and it's easy to miss something important. Or maybe you read something months ago, but it didn't apply to you at the time, and suddenly it's urgent that you know what to do.

Well, we've got you covered.

If you ever want to refer back to an older news item, all you need to do is click this:

That opens up our Knowledge Base News archive. Every news post you've seen in the MLS is saved here, and is easily searchable and readily at hand.

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